Early Childhood Preschool ages 2.5-5 years part-time classes
Children learn best by doing. They gain knowledge about themselves, others and the world around them through meaningful interactions with materials and people.
The daily routine includes: guided play, art, activity centers, literacy time, worship, music, group time, snack, outdoor play and story time. Our low child-to-adult ratio, an average of two teachers per 16 children, makes for a positive and nurturing environment. Parents are encouraged to assist in the classroom.
Developmental Goals
• To provide opportunities to help each child develop a healthy self-concept within the framework of God's love;
• To encourage independence, develop self-confidence, and respect individuality by providing a warm, safe and loving environment;
• To help children get along well with others;
• To provide stimulating and productive experiences and activities to help children become enthusiastic learners;
• To celebrate the early childhood years as creative and wonder-filled years.