
Kids Take A Stand at First Presbyterian Church

Your Kids Can Take A Stand For Nonprofits

May 6, 2024

Our motto for the Kids First Ministries at First Presbyterian Church in Fort Collins is: 

“Ministry FOR kids, WITH kids and BY kids!”  

Three years ago, we were brainstorming ways for our kids to do things for others. We thought about a lemonade stand that one of our kids was having to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Then we thought about our big lawn that runs along College Avenue between Old Town and CSU. So, we created an event where kids from all over our community could “Take a Stand” for the non-profit of their choice.  This is a “pass-thru” event for our church which means that 100 % of the money raised is given to the chosen non-profits.

This is the third year for this event. Each year we have had 10 “stands” selling anywhere from baked goods to crafts to talent! Each year we’ve raised about $1000 that was distributed to the chosen non-profits such as Realities for Children, the Food Bank, Habitat, Homeward Alliance and others.

We want this to be a fun community event, so in addition to the kid stands we have a bouncy house, a dunking tank, huge bubbles and other fun lawn activities.

Kids Take a Stand is May 11th from 1-3 p.m. on the lawn of First Presbyterian Church, 531 S College, Fort Collins.

Your kids can Take A Stand at First Presbyterian, We are still taking registrations for stands at

Come and support kids who have put a lot of time and effort into giving to others!