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Tips To Make Halloween Fun & Not Scary For Littles & The Whole Family

By Melissa Shrader Editor Publisher Loveland Macaroni Kid October 16, 2023

Kids can get pretty excited about things at Halloween.

Candy is just one of the things that create excitement. That's happy excitement. However there are some scary things out there that can get littles excited too. 

There are a couple of conversations to have before Halloween to ensure that kids can handle some of the scary things they may encounter and to create a plan for the evening. Having a plan can reduce tantrums and acting out. 

Consider things from their point of view. Especially if it's a first Halloween or your kid may be sensitive to spooky situations, make sure they are comfortable with all the excitement of the night. 


When it comes to masks, kids are going to see all kinds when they are out trick or treating. If you go to a community trick or treat they may get exposed to some pretty scary stuff. Take some time to talk to your kid about what a mask is. Take one and show it to them and let them see it's just a piece of plastic. Put it on and if they want to let them try it on too. As long as they are comfortable. Make them comfortable with the idea of the mask just being another way to play pretend. Tell them how to be safe in a mask. That they need to be able to see and breath. 

While you have the mask on, talk calmly and let them know you are still you, and that the mask is like wearing a cape or a dress up costume. 

While you are out trick or treating if someone scary comes up remember your child takes their cue's from you so be calm or act silly but not scary.  Just make sure they feel comfortable. 


Walk the route you may be taking for trick or treat in your neighborhood. Show them the decorations already up in the daylight so they get comfortable. Things always look different at night so talk about that while you are walking around and remind them they are safe with you. If your little one sees a house that has a lot of spooky decorations or sounds take your cue from them. Don't make them go up if they aren't comfortable. It can make for a sleepless night for both them and you. 

You don't have to go to every house. Just the ones your kids are comfortable with. 

You can make a plan in advance for how you want to handle certain houses. 

It's important to discuss time limits on how long and how many place you will be trick or treating. This sets up expectations and makes it easy for you to just remind them when it's time to end the night. 


This is a biggie, at least at our house. We have always made an agreement that there would be no consumption of candy until Mom and/or Dad have checked it to make sure it's safe. 

Definitely make a plan before the night begins. 

How much candy can they have that night? How much can they have tomorrow and beyond? 

Where will the candy be kept? 

Are there kinds of candy that you don't want your kids to have?

Make sure you explain your reasons to them so they understand. 


Kids always love to stay up on special occasions so make sure there is a time that is set so everyone can be ready to go to bed without too much fuss. This gives your kids a chance to state their case for staying up late too. 

Are you going to handle Halloween like every other night for bedtime? Are you going to stretch it out so they can enjoy the festivities? Make sure they understand and make realistic expectations. 

Be realistic of your expectations too. Halloween is full of stimulation. Kids have a hard time sleeping after having so much fun, seeing so many things, and of course eating candy! It will take some time to get them to relax and unwind. 

When it comes down to it, it's all about fun. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, your kids or the night. 

Some advance discussions and plans are good but don't make them so stringent that it takes all the fun out of Halloween. Life is all about making memories, make them happy memories!