
Welcome To Publisher's Corner. Past Memories, Staying Present.

Time Marches And Before You Know It Your Babes Are Graduating.

By Melissa Shrader Editor Publisher Loveland Macaroni Kid May 24, 2021


My kiddo is going into 5 grade and I find myself looking back as much, sometimes more than looking forward. Knowing those sweet baby days are gone makes me sad, but it's so sweet to remember all those precious moments. Singing in the rain doing a dance-off for me spinning and twirling with her umbrella. The first time she saw a butterfly. The first time she successfully flew a kite on her own, graduating first grade  

 This year she’s gone through immense changes and more are on the way! I’ve watched her grow like a weed and mature in ways I thought wouldn’t be for another year or two. It’s amazing to watch. Knowing some of the changes that are coming is exciting. I can't wait to see the next steps in her life.
The future is uncertain and isn’t easy to second guess what may come. We all have dreams for our kids. Both ones we've created and the ones we've seen our kids create for themselves. The present is a magical time to see how those dreams will begin to take form.
 It is challenging and exhilarating. Shining moments are created. Memories that will live on for years throughout everything that happens. Making those memories will be as bittersweet when our babies go to college, get married, begin their lives with their little ones. (In any order that is how their lives unfold).
These sweet moments and memories are how we make it through tough times and give our kids inspiration for their lives. 

Remember the past, Live in the Present, and Create a wonderful future.

What are we up to?

We will be having a Virtual Summer Camp Fair every month this summer. 

We will be featuring a camp each week for you to learn about. 

With the lift of the Mask Mandate, we have seen a jump in events! Yay! Keep in mind that each event has its own rules and guidelines for attendance. As things change with the CDC COVID guidelines and local guidelines events may still be canceled or changed to meet those guidelines. Keep an eye out I will be adding events as quickly as possible. However, If you know of an event or have an event you want to add please feel free to do so. I get notifications of events to approve before they post.

 Post it on our calendar at

Don't forget to check out Facebook too for other events that have been popping up randomly since the State has changed the Stay at home quarantine to the Safer at home guideline.

If you have other things you want to see Mac Kid do drop me an email. 

If you want to partner with Mac Kid I'd love to hear from you.

Remember with any event, If the weather looks questionable, - Always check in with the event itself to be sure the event is still on! You can email me as well. ESPECIALLY IN SPRING AND FALL. Now that COVID has come please comply with the COVID guidelines requested by each establishment and organizer. If you have a question about their policies please contact them directly. COVID Guidelines change regularly too so be sure to make sure that an event is still compliant and that it is not canceled.  We will update events regularly however we can't catch everything. 

If you have the newsletter you only have part of the fun! I post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram with holiday and everyday crafts, recipes, special offers, contests, news, and new events. (see the tabs on the right or at the bottom to visit the social site) 

Stay safe, Stay healthy, Love, Live and Be Fierce for what you believe, 

Melissa Shrader 

Editor and Publisher Loveland Macaroni Kid

 Please feel free to contact me with questions suggestions.

 To get all the current information on local events, as well as recipes, crafts and so much more 

subscribe to FortCollins Macaroni Kid and LovelandMacaroni Kid