
Protect Our Pollinators License Plate Contest for All Ages

Your chance to design Colorado's newest specialty plate

By Christen Reiner, Macaroni Kid Lakewood-Littleton & Macaroni Kid Denver Editor and Publisher March 14, 2021

What is a pollinator?

Your kids probably know!

You'll probably be surprised that bees are not the only pollinators in the world. In fact, there are many!

According to the U.S. National Park Service, a pollinator is "anything that helps carry pollen from the male part of the flower (stamen) to the female part of the same or another flower (stigma). The movement of pollen must occur for the the plant to become fertilized and produce fruits, seeds, and young plants". 

Some plants are self-pollinating, but other flowers need some help from wind, water, insects, and animals. Bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, beetles, birds, flies, and even small mammals (including bats!) are happy to provide assistance.

The pollinators visit flowers in search of food, shelter, nest-building materials, and sometimes even mates. While most bee species intentionally collect pollen, many butterflies, birds and bats move pollen accidentally. They unknowingly transfer the pollen that has stuck on their bodies while they are drinking or feeding on nectar in the flower blooms. Either way, humans appreciate their efforts!

Flyer courtesy of the office of Colorado Governor Jared Polis


Do you have an aspiring artist at your house? Artists of all ages have a chance to submit one or more designs in the Protect Our Pollinators license plate contest. Entries are due by March 31, 2021.

What You Need To Know

  • The contest is open to all Colorado residents.
  • All ages must submit their artwork.
  • The design must be the original idea and work of the entrant.
  • Priority will be given to designs featuring species that are native to Colorado.
  • Designs will be judged based on aesthetics, originality, and the ability to view the image clearly on a license plate.
  • All designs must be submitted digitally and via email to

For additional, and more specific instructions, visit the People and Pollinators website.