
Nominate the Best of The Best. Gold Daisy Award Nominations End 5/27

Nominate and You And Your Favorite Could Win too!

By Melissa Shrader Editor Publisher Loveland Macaroni Kid April 22, 2019

Welcome to the Gold Daisy Awards! 

Pick your "favorites" or the "Best" of our community. You can nominate from the list we provide or add your own categories at the end but be sure to nominate your favorites! 

Have you heard of Gold Daisy Awards?  It's a great way to recognize your local businesses and entrepreneurs.  I'd love to get your opinion on what your favorite thing to do, where you like to play, where you like to eat, and who you trust with your family care, etc!  Any service, business,  outreach, etc that you think should be nominated to win please submit it/them here on this form. I will have some guideline questions then I'll have some blank for you to submit something or someone special.

Gold Daisy Awards choose the best of the best in town based you your opinion!  Who best to make the decision than you, the one whom actually patrons the businesses and who know best of the best around the area.  

Find the form here to give your opinion and be submitted for a prize!You must be a Macaroni Kid e-newsletter subscriber to participate.  Go to or to  to subscribe.

Your submissions will be reviewed and put into a format where you and others can vote for your favorites! (How to win explained below)

Prizes for those who participate:

I will be awarding prizes in each category for those subscribers whose suggestion (business/location etc) win the awards, AND I'll have prizes for the businesses who win too! It's a WIN WIN situation.  Prizes will include (but are not guaranteed to be or will not be limited to) gift certificates to some of the winning places for those who nominated them (subscribers names will be put in a drawing based on winning nomination). For the businesses, Free listing in the Macaroni Kid directory and  a feature article about the business for a week AND either Free Ad space for a month (banner ad) or a reduced rate (up to 20% off a package) for longer period of time (businesses choice).

Dates and deadlines for nominations.

April 16th Noon through end of day May 27th Midnight (Date extended by request). I will then compile the nominations and put them in the Gold Daisy Voting form for everyone to vote on.