A New Way To Create Your New Year's List.
Not only diets but just anything you set your mind to. What do you want to get a fresh start with? Of course you don't have to wait for that "perfect time". You can really start something new anytime, simply decide to do it. But it's been a long standing tradition that the new year is when everyone starts fresh.
I have a list of ideas, but I'm not a resolution person per-se'. I do a list of new things to try or to do - but I don't make it a resolution. I make a "Something New" list. Mainly because so many people, including me, fail at resolutions. To have a list that offers an opportunity to try something new so I remove that heavy feeling of having my resolution fail. If it works I keep it going and if it doesn't then I'm not pressured to keep it going. I don't get that heavy feeling from failing at something. I can discard it and again, try something else new.
Forget the “Musts & Shoulds”. Don’t weight yourself down with what society tells you is what you need to have as a resolution. Consider what "you" actually want to create more of in your life. More happiness, more grace, more scheduling, anything "you" want? This question can be simple and sometimes the little things become life changing.
If you are making a list of any kind try to include the following:
ย ย Hello, I'm am a busy mom of the prettiest girl. I love to connect people to resources! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I found that I would search the web and find links to all the events around and make my own calendar of what we (my husband and I) were going to do for the week or weekend. After my little bundle came this was the key to keeping sanity and keeping my kiddo busy and all of us happy! It quickly became something that others were interested in. In my searches online I ran int…
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