Summer Bucket List - What to do Before Summer Is Over
By Melissa Shrader Editor/Publisher Fort Collins Macaroni Kid
Jul 29, 2018
I love having some general ideas and something special to look forward to during any season. For summer I use this list. It has some wonderful ideas and it can spark some other fun ideas too. Pick your favorites and maybe add some of your own. I have a PDF attached for you to print if you like.
Another Idea I've done before is to print this list and post it on the fridge so everyone can write their ideas or circle some they want to do. I've also taken a can decorated it and clipped clothes pins around the edge with an activity written on it. I do this with the biggies like go to the zoo. Something that takes an afternoon or a day. When we do the task we un-clip it from the edge and put it in the can.
Visit a beach
Go to the Pool
Camp in the Backyard
Do a Lemonaid stand
Family Bike ride
Toss rocks in a pond
Do a Picnic
Slumber party
Visit a museum
Visit an Art Gallery
Walk Night on the Town Loveland
Do Foodie walk in Fort Collins
Have a garage sale
Get Ice cream at a "special" place
Do a Drive in Movie
Go to a fair
Visit a circus
Have a Rootbeer float
Make S'mores
See a baseball game
Make a craft for the birds/or with nature items
Go fishing
Go Stargazing
Make homemade pizza
Have a summer party with friends
Take a day trip
Do a spa day or play day
Watch a sunrise
Watch fireworks
Plant a garden
Build a fort
Run through the sprinklers
Play games outside
Make a cherry or peach pie
Make breakfast in bed for someone
Have a watermelon or cherry seed spitting contest
Write to a pen pal
Join a summer reading program
Do a summer camp
Make slime
Do a puzzle
Go to the zoo
Go to the botanic gardens
Join a CSA
Do a cannon ball into a pool
Make or Eat popsicles
Visit a Farmers Market
Run through a splash pad
Take your dog on a hike